تحميل برنامج Upload Rabbit for Facebook لرفع الصور على الفيس بوك

Upload Rabbit for Facebook

برنامج الارنب لرفع الصور على الفيسبوك
وهو يهدف للمساعدة في مشاركة الصور والفيديو من الكمبيوتر او من صفحات النت من 
خلال النقر بزر الماوس الايمن وسحب و إفلات الصورة او الفيديو , اضافة العديد من الحسابات وتشغيلهم بكبسة زر


Upload Rabbit for Facebook is powerful and easy-to-use freeware, which enables you to batch upload photos and videos to Facebook directly. It aims at helping you share photos and videos from computer or websites through right-click or drag-and-drop. Also supports for adding multi-accounts and switching among them by just one simple click.

Through a right-click menu or even drag-and-drop, Upload Rabbit for Facebook will surprise you with swiftly uploading photos or videos to your Facebook Profile account. The fire-new method enables you to easily change your Facebook Profile picture and post to Profile Wall or even create new albums without logging in Facebook accounts via browser.

Upload Rabbit for Facebook enables you to upload a batch of photos and videos to Facebook accounts easily and quickly. You can right-click or drag-and-drop to add multiple interesting photos or videos to the upload queue, or even drop entire folders of photos or videos to upload in seconds.

You are totally out of fashion if you are still wasting lots of time saving Internet photos to your computer before uploading. With Upload Rabbit for Facebook, just right-click on the photo you like and choose "Upload to Facebook" near bottom of the menu, then it will be added to the upload queue. Of course you can add more photos and upload them together with clicks.

If you are ever bored with frequently logging in and out among different Facebook accounts to upload photos and videos, then you should really try Upload Rabbit for Facebook. With this freeware, you can add multi-accounts and easily switch among them just by one click to share photos or videos at a time.


• Operating System : Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 2000, Windows 2003    


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